25 October 2006

Rodney and Graham

On Monday, I played host to Rodney and Graham, two blokes visiting the UP from the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney in the Episcopal Church of Scotland. These wonderful and funny men traveled to the UP to learn about how we do mutual ministry and to learn more about the Visitors' Weekend that we host here each year to introduce others to mutual ministry. Both are involved in Local Collaborative ministry (one of the funny things about this work is that it gets called something different in every diocese that uses it!).

There were many funny moments; we laughed a lot as we navigated (another) snowstorm to visit the church in Ironwood. My favourite moment, however came after we stopped for petrol and coffee. They encountered, apparently for the first time, beef jerky. They found it puzzling and declared it both strange and gross. My instant reply: For men who come from a culture that things that haggis is appealing, you have NOTHING to say about beef jerky. We all laughed so hard we cried. They agreed that I might be right.


Lisa said...

My future stepdaughter loves beef jerky. Heck, she'd probably eat hagis!

Fran said...

I'm not actually OPPOSED to beef jerky - and while I've always said I'd try anything once, I might actually draw the line at hagis.

Anonymous said...

David and Austen made hagis for us the other night...It was great, as usual. Be adventurous. Lots better than jerky!