05 February 2007

Brrr ... Cold and Snowy

Well, we've finally started getting the winter I have to be able to live with if I'm going to stay a while in the UP. For the last couple of days, it's been bitterly cold with a scary windchill factor. It's also been snowing to beat the band. I knew that somehow I'd settled in when I went outside this morning, thought it felt quite warm, and discovered on my car's thermometer that it was 1. That's 1 degree Farenheit, my friends!

I've discovered that when it is this cold the snow does a weird thing on the road. It doesn't settle in for the long haul and it doesn't dissipate. Instead, it hangs about and when cars drive on it, it rises up in clouds that are perfectly capable of totally obscuring one's vision. Translation: one can be driving along the road, meet a car, and be suddenly, totally, and completely blinded. Several times in the last few days, I've had to come to a complete stop in the road and wait for the clouds of snow to settle, because I could see nothing. Nada. Zip. Just another UP driving adventure.

Despite the cold and the clouds o' snow, it's absolutely gorgeous. It looks like a fairy land. The trees appear to be frosted with spun sugar. The falling snow looks like diamond crystals. The snow is light and shovels pretty easily. The beauty makes the discomfort worth it.


Abuela Marty said...

We Virginians are not as cold as you but it's surely cold enough! My pink Lands End hat and scarf are getting plenty of use.

Sending you warm thoughts, despite the beauty of winter,

Sare said...

::hugs:: In the city it's not so bad, but the southtowns did in fact get 7 feet of snow. We've got parishioners out there, and of course, that includes Tai Chi. ::sighs:: Such is the way. I'm just thrilled I have a car.

Stay warm, you birthday girl, you.
-Springfield, who now has a work blog and a personal blog, must like a work email and a personal email. This is just too weird.

Sare said...

Your blog doesn't love me. I commented, but it doesn't seem to care. ::sigh:: there is no love. I see how it is.

Anyway. Yes. Snow. We have some too, I'm corazon a corazon with you on this one. The city isn't so bad, but the southtowns have 7 feet, which includes some of our parishioners and of course, Tai Chi.

I like to think of it just as... Drama. Weather up here is way more dramatic than Martha has to deal with in Virginia...

-Springfield, who has her own blog now. Workblog. PersonalLJ. ::sigh::

Wayfarer said...

Birthday??! When was your birthday? How come I didn't know it was your birthday?!? Does my wife know about this?!

If we missed it, I'm sorry! If we didn't, well, I'll pretend I knew it was coming all along.

It qualifies as stupid cold here, too, but I figure we're still doing better than upstate NY with their 34' of snow. They can have it!

The kitchen smells of lamb, chicken broth and bread tonight. Yummy and warm thoughts to keep you in the right way as you snuggle under your blankets tonight! Wayfarer House loves you!