11 February 2007

How Rich are you?

In today's sermon, I talk about global poverty (now, there's a shock!). I referenced the site globalrichlist.com. There, I found that I am in the top 11% of the world's wealthiest people. Here's how you can find out where you rank.

I'm the 669,642,941 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are! >>


Wayfarer said...

I'm 233,913,044th on the list. The thing that stuck with me was the little graph that showed me only the 4th little person away from the top. A great little tool you found, there! Opens up a great discussion on what it really means to be rich and poor.

Anonymous said...

Hey HG, I'm 13th on the list and I know what that would mean in real life. Yup, I have a condo..two refrigerater boxes under the bridge...probably stacked together for insulation. I count myself lucky and fortunate. Life can be very scary. Thanks for the reminder. I am very lucky..and blessed.
as ever, L